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Yield Farming and Centralized Finance (CeFi): A Comparison

Yield farming and centralized finance (CeFi) are two concepts that have gained popularity in the cryptocurrency space in recent times. While both involve making money through lending and borrowing, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between yield farming and CeFi and their advantages and disadvantages.

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a process where users lend or borrow cryptocurrencies to earn rewards. This process is facilitated by decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms that allow users to lend or borrow cryptocurrencies. Yield farming is essentially the process of providing liquidity to DeFi protocols in exchange for rewards.

Yield farming involves staking cryptocurrencies in a smart contract, which then earns rewards for the user. These rewards can be in the form of additional cryptocurrency or governance tokens, which can be used to vote on platform decisions.

What is Centralized Finance (CeFi)?

Centralized finance, also known as CeFi, is a financial system that operates through centralized intermediaries like banks or financial institutions. Unlike DeFi, which is decentralized, CeFi relies on a centralized entity to facilitate transactions.

In CeFi, users can lend or borrow cryptocurrencies through centralized platforms, and these platforms earn a commission for facilitating these transactions. CeFi platforms often require users to undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) process and may require users to meet certain qualifications to access certain services.

Comparison between Yield Farming and CeFi

Liquidity Provision

Yield farming platforms often require users to provide liquidity in the form of cryptocurrencies in order to participate in yield farming. This liquidity is used to facilitate borrowing and lending transactions on the platform. In return, users are rewarded with governance tokens or a portion of the platform’s transaction fees.

In CeFi, liquidity is provided by the platform itself, which acts as a centralized intermediary between borrowers and lenders. This means that users do not have to provide liquidity themselves, but they also do not receive governance tokens or transaction fees.

Risk and Reward

Both yield farming and CeFi involve risks and rewards. Yield farming rewards can be higher than CeFi rewards, but they are also more volatile and subject to market fluctuations. In addition, yield farming involves smart contract risk, as mentioned earlier.

CeFi rewards, on the other hand, are typically lower than yield farming rewards but are generally more stable and less risky. This is because CeFi platforms are centralized and have a higher degree of control over the lending and borrowing process.


One key advantage of yield farming is the ability to participate in platform governance through the use of governance tokens. These tokens allow users to vote on important platform decisions, such as changes to interest rates, tokenomics, and new feature implementations. This gives users a sense of ownership and control over the platform.

In CeFi, there is typically no opportunity for users to participate in governance. Instead, decisions are made by the platform itself or a small group of decision-makers within the platform.


Yield farming is often associated with decentralization, as it is typically based on decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. These protocols allow users to transact directly with each other without the need for a centralized intermediary. This gives users more control over their funds and eliminates the need to trust a centralized entity.

In CeFi, on the other hand, lending and borrowing are typically facilitated by a centralized platform. This means that users have to trust the platform to hold and manage their funds, which can be a significant risk.

Regulatory Compliance

CeFi platforms are often subject to regulatory compliance requirements, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. This means that users may have to provide personal information in order to use the platform, and the platform itself may be subject to regulatory oversight.

Yield farming platforms, on the other hand, are typically decentralized and do not have a centralized entity that is subject to regulatory oversight. This can make them more accessible to users who may not be able to participate in CeFi due to regulatory requirements.

User Experience

The user experience for yield farming and CeFi can vary greatly. Yield farming platforms are often more complex and require a greater degree of technical knowledge to use effectively. This is because they are typically based on DeFi protocols, which can involve interacting with smart contracts and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

CeFi platforms, on the other hand, are typically designed to be more user-friendly and accessible to a wider audience. They often have simple and intuitive user interfaces, making them more appealing to users who may not have a technical background.

Liquidity and Asset Availability

One advantage of CeFi platforms is that they often have greater liquidity and a wider range of assets available for lending and borrowing. This is because they are typically larger and more established than yield farming platforms, which may have lower liquidity and a more limited range of assets available.

However, yield farming platforms can offer access to unique assets that may not be available on CeFi platforms. This is because yield farming is often based on DeFi protocols, which allow for greater flexibility in terms of the types of assets that can be used for lending and borrowing.


Fees are an important consideration for both yield farming and CeFi. Yield farming platforms typically charge lower fees than CeFi platforms, as they do not have the same overhead costs associated with running a centralized platform.

CeFi platforms, on the other hand, often have higher fees due to the costs associated with maintaining a centralized platform, including infrastructure, staffing, and regulatory compliance.


Scalability is an important consideration for both yield farming and CeFi, as the ability to handle large volumes of transactions is crucial for the success of both types of platforms.

Yield farming platforms often face scalability challenges due to the limitations of the underlying blockchain technology. This can lead to slower transaction times and higher fees during periods of high demand.

CeFi platforms, on the other hand, typically have greater scalability due to their centralized infrastructure. This allows them to handle larger volumes of transactions more efficiently.


Flexibility is an important consideration for users who want to have greater control over their investments. Yield farming platforms typically offer greater flexibility, as users can choose which assets to lend and borrow and can adjust their positions in real-time based on market conditions.

CeFi platforms, on the other hand, may have more rigid investment options and may not offer the same level of flexibility as yield farming platforms.


In conclusion, both yield farming and CeFi have their own advantages and disadvantages. Yield farming offers a decentralized and accessible way for users to earn rewards for lending and borrowing cryptocurrencies, while CeFi offers a more traditional and centralized approach to lending and borrowing cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, the decision to participate in yield farming or CeFi depends on the user’s individual needs and preferences, as well as their risk tolerance and investment goals. As with any investment or financial decision, users should carefully consider their options and do their own research before participating.